
My Education and Training

Medical Issues

Kids, School, and TAG issues


Family and School Issues

Talented and Gifted

TAG Underachievement




I work with children and their families as they deal with a variety of issues such as health, personality, family dynamics, and school factors which may be creating challenges for the child and the family, and interfering with social and academic success. I help children and adolescents to enhance their motivation and ability to make healthy choices for themselves.

School is an important part of a child's life and school issues often play a major role in a family's life and parent-child relationships. As a parent and a former public schoolteacher, I have a strong interest in children and learning. When appropriate, I consult with educators and other professionals on behalf of the family.



A population whose needs are often underestimated, is that of the Talented and Gifted, for after all, they are the “lucky ones.” However, children with exceptional talents and intelligence often face unique challenges.

I work with children and their families to explore what it means to be gifted, and how being gifted affects the family, school and social life. Together, we explore how TAG related issues such as intensity, heightened sensitivity, perfectionism and asynchronous development may be influencing a child's life. I work to help children and their familys increase understanding of individual needs and develop strategies to deal with issues such as boredom at school, making friends, managing emotional intensity, or determining realistic expectations of self and others.

I help parents work with school staff to provide learning opportunities appropriate for the child's intellectual and emotional level, as well as learning style.




Underachievement has historically been thought of as difficult to reverse. Research indicates that this may be due to the variety of interrelated factors which may contribute to underachievement, and the necessity to develop individualized interventions.

I work with children/adolescents, and their families, as well as educators and other professionals, to first explore what it means to be an “underachiever” and consider the concept of “selective learner.” Next we determine which of the following areas may be related to the “underachievement” in order to develop and implement interventions:

Individual Child's

- Ability
- Personality
- Mental/Physical Health or Substance Abuse Issues
- Undiagnosed Learning Disabilities, Learning Style
- Motivation

Family Environment
School Environment
Peer Group
Attitudes of Local Community and Broader Society

I believe that each child wants to succeed, has a right to succeed, and that it is the responsibility of adults to provide the tools and environment most likely to nurture individual talents and foster success. I help children/adolescents to develop the trust and motivation they need to take advantage of the opportunities offered to them.